csko.cz | Furien
Bulgaria Czech Republic Germany France United Kingdom Italy Lithuania Poland Romania Russia Ukraine United States
IP:port server:
Server version:
Server protocol: 48
Players on server: 9 / 21
Map is now: de_aztec
Start playing: connect to server csko.cz  |  Furien
Last check: 22/01/2025 03:36:02
Lucky checks: 12591
Unsuccessful checks: 37
UPtime: 99.7%
Servers location: Servers location: CZ
Server views: 2310
Bots on the server: 9
Server status:
Server password: No
Game: Counter-Strike 1.6
# Name of player Points Play time on the server
1Egnigem Cenia1059396
2Samurai Specter2459396
3Moonlight Flower1059396
4Lord of the Dead459396
5Abysmal Knight159396
6Lady Tanee959396
7Laurell Weinder459396
8Mastersmith Howard659396
9Errende Ebecee159396
Statistics monitor Players on server: 247541 / 299803. The most popular map: de_dust2.
Total servers: 73541 (running: 2934 / not working: 70607).
Hits servers monitored: 996989.