CSPORTAL.sk | DM FFA [!knife !ws !gloves !stickers !rank] (OFFLINE)
Czech Republic Germany France United Kingdom Lithuania Mongolia Poland Romania Russia Ukraine United States
IP:port server:
Server version:
Server protocol: 17
Players on server: 12 / 17
Map is now: de_dust2
Start playing: connect to server CSPORTAL.sk | DM FFA [!knife !ws !gloves !stickers !rank]
Last check: 04/03/2025 05:13:04
Lucky checks: 5050
Unsuccessful checks: 902
UPtime: 82.1%
Servers location: Servers location: SK
Server views: 2102
Bots on the server: 6
Server status:
Server password: No
Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
# Name of player Points Play time on the server
1[CSP] Skullchew929720
2[CSP] Withermunch909720
3[CSP] Gorecrusher949720
4[CSP] Gorefist929720
5[CSP] Skullrip1019720
6[CSP] Fleshdevourer989720
7[CSP] Braincrunch879720
8[CSP] Sludgemaw1029720
9[CSP] Rotsnarl969720
10[CSP] Fleshfeast1069720
11[CSP] Skullgnaw749720
12[CSP] Witherchomp719720
Statistics monitor Players on server: 5387 / 15389. The most popular map: de_dust2.
Total servers: 73707 (running: 538 / not working: 73169).
Hits servers monitored: 779242.